Hacking/coughing Newf


New member
Our newf is 4.5 yrs old and within the past year has been hacking as if he's got a huge hairball stuck in his throat. Or, about ready to hock a loogie (which he does often, or really slings across the room :( ). Could this be due to allergies? Does anyone else's newf do this? We had him on benadryl (suggested by the vet) and it seemed to help a little, I guess. But, he does this alot.


New member
My Neighbors Briard had a strange hacking in his throat.. sounds very much like u are describing.. it turned out to be an infection/fungus in his nose. The vets did swab tests of both his throat and nose to discover what it was. he was on meds for about a month.


New member
He might have one form or another of kennel cough. It was going around pretty strongly a couple of years ago.

We had two that got it. Usually antibiotics are given, but not always. Sometimes it's a virus and just has to run it's course. The antibiotics are usually given to keep secondary infections at bay.

We gave no antibiotics and it got better by the day. There was a tiny little cough, however, for about two weeks.

Does it sound like cough, cough, cough...gag? Like he's retching? Is he coughing up anything?

Has the Vet actually checked him? If not, I'd take him in. It IS possible that he does have something caught - or it could be allergies too.

[ 08-16-2006, 11:22 AM: Message edited by: Ardeagold ]