

Super Moderator
I have a customer, who years ago, (before he was a customer) surrendered a newf to rescue. When I picked up the dog he was living in barn and had yard to run in. Very much like a cow or horse would live. Anyway once he was taken into rescue we found out he was sick. He had every parasite there is as well as heart worms. Because of his age and level of sickness rescue decided to keep him in a foster home until he had to be euthanized. He didn't last but 6 months.

He is also the person who had another newf that was very sick. His vet ran bloodwork for Lepto but advised him to take the dog to Ohio State. He refused because he didn't want to spend the money. The dog died a day before the bloodwork came back. He did have lepto.

Now today he calls me. He has a Chihuahua mix that is 12 years old and a Jack Russel that is 13 years old. He wanted to know what he could do because they have started fighting. Today was the first time they drew blood. The JRT is attacking the other. He asked me what to do. I told him since it just recently started I would have blood work done on both to see if there is something causing a sudden change in behavior. I could tell he didn't want to do that from the way he was talking. So he said: I'll just take one of them to the dog pound. :grrr::grrr:

How can someone have a dog for 12-13 years and take it to the pound? I just hate to think what he will do with his present newf when it starts to have health problems.

What makes me even more mad is he has the money to take them to the vet. He and his wife travels a lot including 3 or 4 10 day cruises per year. :grrr::grrr::grrr:


Super Moderator
Wonder why he feels the need to have dogs? Have you ever asked him that? He obviously doesn't have any good feelings for them.


Super Moderator
I have. He says he likes dogs.

When his newf died of lepto he wanted me to help him find another newf. I told him to get on the NCA breeders list and call. What he does not know is I called many of the breeders and told them his history. He could not understand why none of the breeders got back to him!

He got the one he has now through a family member who is lawyer. The dog was a puppy and part of an estate. Instead of contacting the breeder his family member just gave him the dog. It was out of state so I have no idea who the breeder was.


Active member
Too bad you can't suggest that he volunteers at an animal shelter. But if you did, and he took you up on it, he would probably amass a whole herd of dogs.