Great Lakes water tesy Results


New member
Just got the official results. Here they are:

Friday results:
Cindi Kursner and Mikal, WRDX requal
Tamzin Rosenwasser and Virgie, WRD requal
Sabrina Moore and Scout, WRD requal
Barb Grob and Bobsi...Non-Newf WRDX
Priscilla Walker and Keevy....Non-Newf WRDX
Dawn Snider and Gizmo....Non-Newf WRD

Saturday results:
Sarah Moon and WD
Mary Trauernicht and WD
Pinny Wendell and Angelika....WD requal
Nan Edwards and Phoenix....New WRD
Karen Schlipf and Dazzler....New WRD
Barb Grob and Clipper....WRD requal
Sabrina Moore and Scout....WRD requal

Sunday results:
Rick Chaney and WD


New member
HUGE CONGRATS TO ALL.... but especially to a couple of relatives: Romeo's kid Mikki w/Sarah Moon and our sweetheart Clipper with Barb Grob!! way to go, everyone!



New member
Patti, I just love Clipper. He is such a sweetheart!!! It's fun to watch him and Barb work together.

Angela, we are one of the few clubs that hold a non-newf water test for entrants that have dogs other than newfs. It's quite amazing to see border collies, german shepherds and other dogs that you don't associate with water perform the same exercises that our newfies do.