Grass chunks


New member
So, Moosh has developed a new habit of ripping chunks of grass with roots and all, out of the ground in our backyard and chewing on it.

It's all she seems to want to do these days! As soon as she comes inside she wants to go back again. When I try to reprimand her or take it away she just runs around like it's a game.

So not only is she munching on soil and grass everytime she goes outside and completely destroying what's left of our yard, she is perpetually full of wet dirt (courtesy of a wet fall). So frustrating!

She has always been such a well behaved pup so this new habit confounds me.
I've tried giving her bones and chew toys but she either loses interest or goes through it super fast. I've also tried taking her in right after she does her business but getting her inside has become a battle.

Insight? Suggestions??

Jorge's mum

New member
you could try sprinkling some pepper when you see her interested in a spot- don't tell her off just walk over and put some pepper on the bit she is interested in and let her smell it :) just watch if its windy that non goes near her eyes!


New member
Our one pup Beau was the exact same way. Constantly excavating our backyard, parks, and other peoples front lawns. He would make it seem as if he was sniffing around to find a good place to go to the washroom, then CHOMP! Out comes a mouthful of lawn. It's hard not to laugh at first when you see a big chunk of sod hanging from their mouth(especially when it's not from your lawn). We were fortunate enough though that he just kind of outgrew it. He only seems to do it now if he has had to much exercise and is hot, and instead of normal dogs trying to eat the grass. He just rips the worms from the earth. I do hope that moosh outgrows it soon because you are absolutely right. It is sooo frustrating to see your once nice backyard transformed into a mine field. I totally agree with "Jorge's mom" maybe it's time for some spicy help. I tried spraying Beau with a hose.. Which only lead to him standing in the middle of the lawn standing over a chunk of grass barking and demanding me to spray him some more.. Stupid me. :banghead: I'm looking forward to hearing other people's advice. Best of luck!

Jorge's mum

New member
Our one pup Beau was the exact same way. Constantly excavating our backyard, parks, and other peoples front lawns. He would make it seem as if he was sniffing around to find a good place to go to the washroom, then CHOMP! Out comes a mouthful of lawn. It's hard not to laugh at first when you see a big chunk of sod hanging from their mouth(especially when it's not from your lawn). We were fortunate enough though that he just kind of outgrew it. He only seems to do it now if he has had to much exercise and is hot, and instead of normal dogs trying to eat the grass. He just rips the worms from the earth. I do hope that moosh outgrows it soon because you are absolutely right. It is sooo frustrating to see your once nice backyard transformed into a mine field. I totally agree with "Jorge's mom" maybe it's time for some spicy help. I tried spraying Beau with a hose.. Which only lead to him standing in the middle of the lawn standing over a chunk of grass barking and demanding me to spray him some more.. Stupid me. :banghead: I'm looking forward to hearing other people's advice. Best of luck!
lol a mud hole and mummy supplys water!! Newfy heaven!!lol


Super Moderator
My newfs do the same thing. The grass tastes good to them. Many times, especially when the grass is tender and green, they will look like a herd of black angus cows grazing in the pasture.


New member
Thanks! Just regular old table pepper?? I'll try that... But I have to figure out a way to avoid her running away when I approach.

And yes! The mud holes! Am I to assume her love for slopping around in the muddy spots (there are quite a few now because of her digging and grass shredding) is a Newf thing? Man, she seems to love the feel of mushy soil on her paws because she always heads straight for those areas and digs in it.

Molly our Irish avoids mud like the plague. Princess.
Morgan hates white vinegar. Maybe put it in a spray bottle and spray the area when he starts chewing on it. Don't have much other thoughts. Sorry.


New member
Orka did this. Thank goodness grew out of it. Could have hired him out for excavation. More thorough than a goat.


Active member
Do you walk her or just let her out back? I would try walking her before just letting her out to play or I might play with her a bit first to get her tired before giving her free rain of the yard, or leash her and correct her when she does it. I'd also work on your leave it and come commands with a nice pocket full of cookies. But I think it's just a stage....they sure do love the mud and dirt! Thank goodness we are mainly sand around here! Just some thoughts....

Just to add...when Zeke used to give me issues of not wanting to come in....I'd actually hide from him (usually behind a tree) and play the game a bit...curiosity not only gets the cat!
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