Got some bad news for Kilrain today


New member
Sorry I've been awol on here for so long. A new job and 4 moves in the last year haven't left much computer time.

I took Kilrain to the vet today to get his eye pressures checked. I try to have it done every 6 months but it has been more like a year this time with the moves. It turns out one eye may have a pressure as high as 30. He was born blind but now it looks like he'll need his eyes removed.

They had said this might happen eventually but eventually translated in my head to when he was a senior.

It's silly how much this is bothering me. He doesn't use his eyes anyway and he'll probably be a lot more comfortable.

I'll make the appointment with the opthalmologist tomorrow and see what they say.


New member
When something happens to our babies it does bother us! Hugs to Kilrain from his friends in PA!

Megan, Scout & Koko


New member
Poor guy. I can understand why it bothers you but I'm sure he will feel better afterward. Do they do both at once?


Active member
I'm so sorry, that does stink but I guess if it doesn't bother him shouldn't bother you. I certainly understand how you feel but we are here for ya


New member
awwwwww poor luv!!!! but if he will feel better your doing the right thing, he is sooo handsome. sending prayers for your luv


New member
It must have been quite a shock to get that news. I'm sure when he's feeling better and can demonstrate the loss of his eyes won't affect his love of life, you'll feel better about it. Good thoughts being sent your way...


New member
Thanks everyone. I finally figured out that was bothering me so much is that he does so well that very few people realize he is blind unless we tell them. Once they know the pity can get a bit much. If we remove his eyes there will be no hiding it.

Ironically figuring out why it was bothering me has made me feel better.

He is still his happy goofy self. We have an appointment with the opthalmologist Monday to discuss our options.


New member
Hi Sharon! At least you knew and remembered to periodically check those pressures! Kilrain is lucky he has you. I just thought of those great smart phone calenders. Whenever your vet tells you every 6 months, you can enter it into the calendar and it'll send you notifications up to 10 years! I use it alot because I forget alot.


New member
Can they put in prosthetics of any kind? That might ease your concerns about his appearance drawing pity. So sorry though, that the time came sooner than you expected.


New member
Aww, poor Kilrain! We'll also eventually need to get Bo's one blind eye removed. We just had both eyes examined a couple weeks ago, and so far, so good. Even though they don't need their already-blind eyes, it's still kind of sad to think of how their expression will change without even a bad eye there to mark its place. But you'll get used to the change in a matter of time :)


New member
Kilrain is so bless to have you and Art. I know you feel just a blessed to have him in your life. Hugs Sharon. ♥


Active member
My vet put a prosthetic under the eyelid to maintain the shape of his face. It wasn't perfect of course, but I do think it helped. And Yogi never seemed to notice. Sometimes they can put a "glass" eye in and keep the lid open. I saw a photo once of a basset with two prosthetic open eyes on a blind dog web site. It's worth discussing with your vet on what will work best for everyone.

Best wishes for you and Kilrain. I'm sure he will be fine, and I know you will love him just that much more.


New member
Thanks so much. We saw the ophthalmologist and got much better news than the local vet had given us. His eye pressures were actually in the normal range. The opthalmologist thinks the one eye may never have trouble. The other is at the high end of normal and will probably need surgery at some point. For now we will just monitor. He did go over three options and the pros and cons of each. He was great and I really appreciated the time he spent with us.

Thanks for all the support.


New member
That's great news Sharon. Hopefully the pressure will stay in the normal range and you won't ever have to worry about it again.