funny convulsing


Inactive Member
Hi! I have a question about something that has been happening to Sampson. Occassionally, (once every couple of days or less often) he will be standing up and out of nowhere his midsection will start convulsing up and down as if he can't control it. It only lasts for a few seconds, 30 at most, but it worries me. My husband thinks he's fine because he acts normally otherwise. He has also been eating less recently, and even more infrequently he will make a coughing/gagging noise, but nothing ever comes out.

Has anyone ever had any of these things happen to their newfs? I would appreciate any input if someone has seen it before. By the way, Sampson is 6 years old.

Thanks! Michelle & Sampson


Staff member
Hmm - me thinks a vet call to be safe would be good but...

Has he eaten any corn on the cob (or cob to be specific)? I know it's not in season but you never know.

Daisy did this after feasting on a dinner (stolen from the trash) of chicken bones and corncobs. She did this for about a month until finally the black disgusting, rotted corncob piece came up - a MONTH after she ate it!

I'd call a vet just to be sure. Phone calls don't usually cost anything.



Inactive Member
Thanks GAD! I did have corn on the cob about three weeks ago. I don't know if Sampson actually got one of the cobs, but he has been known to get in our trash if given a chance. I will call the vet. Thanks again.
