Taylor's mom

New member
Well -- it's the 19th of August and we are to get frost tonight. It has been sooooo cold here! We're lucky if it's hit 60 here lately.

I'm just NOT ready for winter! I heard on the a tv station in Canada that in the northern part of Canada they are getting snow. YUK!!!

I use to like winter until I moved up here...


New member
That's so hard for me to fathom, as it's about 90 with high humidity here. I used to love the cold weather - but not anymore. Come to think of it, I don't like it hot & humid either. lol


New member
Yep, we have a frost warning out for tonight.

It's really sad because this has been the best year for crops in MANY years. If this frost comes, the farmers are going to suffer significantly. Se pray for no frost. Geez, if it's not floods or drought its early frost.


New member
What the heck? why do you guys have our cold weather? I am ready for the rain, bring it on. It has been 80 since May and Im sick of it!!!!!!

Taylor's mom

New member
Well, yes we got it! It was 30 this morning. Frost all over everything! Got some of the garden covered last night but run out of coverings. So I'll have to go and check it out when it warms(?) up a bit. They say we'll get it again tonight. This is just awful. The farmers here had good crops too.

Life in North Dakota. Maybe that's why we don't have a big population -- do you think???


New member
Well ... I'm not moving there anytime soon!

Sorry it actually happened. Let us know how your garden faired...


New member
I had some on my windshield this morning. Imagine, August 20th and using a snow scraper. UGH! Probably wouldn't have happened if I hadn't left my back windows open all night (well, all summer actually, natural A/C).

But the good news is there was none on the ground. The farmers will be happy that their crops aren't dead.

Taylor's mom

New member
The garden got it but I think they will be okay. The tops look absolutely awful but the stocks still look strong. So I will hope.

My squash, pumpkins and bird house gourds are the ones I'm concerned about but let's hope...

Got up to 55 here yesterday -- wow what a SUMMER??? day...

Guess I shouldn't complain -- this is what I signed up for and the good Lord thinks I belong here. But after all the work a person puts in for a nice crop it is kind of disheartening.

Hot chocolate and homemade marshmellows sound good about now...guess there is a bright side to everything. :D


New member
I think you hit the nail on the head with your comment about the low population there. If you're getting frost in August, I think I'd have to pass!

Summer, overall has been fine here. We've had a total of 4 days over ninety, which is really cool, as we usually sit around 88-92 with some days hitting 100 (too many if it's more than one). Most of this summer has been in the low to mid-eighties, with some evenings in the 50's!

In a way, we're fortunate, as we have four true "seasons"...just when you're sick of one, the next one's on the way!!