Fourth of July Anniversary


New member
The Fourth will always be a sad day at our house. A year ago Moonlight passed out several times before we could get her to the ER. Huge tumor on heart. Tests confirmed. She went from a happy, silly girl to hardly able to move in a matter of minutes. She only lasted another month. I was sure she would go to fourteen or fifteen. Please hug your dogs. You never know.


Active member
Such a sad memory on a holiday. I hope with time, your memories of that day will fade and you'll be left with much happier ones.

Just remember...she is watching over you now.


New member
Well, now we have Daisy, our Kentucky Porch Dog, and she didn't have a problem at all with the fireworks. We are looking forward to her Gotcha Day on August 25th. Not a Newf, but a sweet small Lab sized multi-blend, who is good as gold. Still do miss my Newfs. Hopefully, when things settle down a bit for us we will be able to look for a rescue or rehome. Echo was a rehome, and she was wonderful.