Foot Fetish!!-lol-


Inactive Member
So I know most Newfs would lick or lay on your feet..i get it, it is a Newf thing!!..But does anyone have there Newf, belly slide across the floor,(I'm not kidding.he really does it!) to get to your feet, when he sees them....then nibble and lick until you have to say "stop it".....and hide your feet away
I tell ya, Mr Gales is a foot man indeed. He even tried to paw my feet as I walk past him, to get me to stop....he just loves it's just mine, it isn't anyone elses in the house..on occasion he will lick a bare foot if it's there, but mine he follows everywhere!!!!!
....and he will roll and squirm around on the floor between each nibble session!!!!...Is he broke?
..I swear I dont have "stink foot"
.as the majority of time I hvae nothing on my feet, and if I have to wear shoes then it's flip-flops....yes even in winter..I hate shoes!!!!lol.I am a hippie at heart!LOL
You can see him getting my foot in the Picture thread too.when he was green and I was trying to get his pics!!!lol
Here are some Pic's:

and then the big squirm on the floor in all directions!!lol



New member
By jove..I've got it!! By walking barefoot through the are being a Mini-Vac. and mini-swiffer or whatever they are..and you have the most delectable assortment of crumbs from every food which arrives through the kitchen! Those crumbs may be miniscule..but I wager there's a 3 calories caloric-hit..every foot-pounce..he can manage!! Hats off to ya kid..thats action! ;) ina n HB

Brody the Newf

New member
I would go CRAZY. When my non-husband wants to torture me, he'll touch my feet just to hear me yell. I can't imagine how I'd react if Brody licked my feet.


Inactive Member
Originally posted by ina/puusty:
By jove..I've got it!! By walking barefoot through the are being a Mini-Vac. and mini-swiffer or whatever they are..and you have the most delectable assortment of crumbs from every food which arrives through the kitchen! Those crumbs may be miniscule..but I wager there's a 3 calories caloric-hit..every foot-pounce..he can manage!! Hats off to ya kid..thats action! ;) ina n HB
Oh Good Lord Ina..ya don't think those calories soak into my pores do ya?....that would explain some things!!!!


New member
lol, i call Onyx my "pedecuriste" as he licks my feet as they have insulin and he was diabetic

Brinks' Mom

New member
NON-HUSBAND?????? I want one too!!

and Nikki you really cracked me up with the whole foot absorbing the calories thing...I'm gonna use that one myself!!!! Brinks will lick my feet first thing in the morning when he first sees me or after I've just taken a shower, he'll give me another "bath" from the knee down. I guess he's trying to tell me that I missed a few

luvxl k 9

New member
Too funny! No foot fettishes here, although Beau has a dirty face fettish. You sound a lot like my daughter, Shannon. She also hates shoes and wears flip flops in the winter. I have a feeling my granddaughter is going to be the same way.


Inactive Member
.Karen thats funny, as my kids are the same way.....even as toddlers I couldn't keep shoes on there feet......and today as soon as they get home from school.those shoes and socks are kicked to the back of the shoe closet!
Carmela- I get licked right after the shower too..BY the towel down.and if I run.then I am fair game!!

Heidi.sure he is your hubby.'common law'..just because there's no ring.doesn't mean it's not the same!

Nessa...your still a newly wed!!It should be bliss....
I must be really lucky, because I feel the same way about my hubby as the day I met him...if people don't know us, they think we are dating!!!:lol:I can count on ONE hand the amount of disagreements we have had!

Brody the Newf

New member
No such thing as Common Law in the State of CT.

As for you not disagreeing with your husband, you are missing out on some fun stuff.


Inactive Member
regardless..if you live as man and wife..or..lover and lover.. man and women its just what it is..ya don't need Vows or a ring!.

And let me tell ya......WE DON'T NEED TO FIGHT TO MAKE UP......we have PLENTY of fun.....and the best tempers boiling out of control, just love and respect!!


New member
i have been living with gary for 6 yrs and we talked about marrage after the first yr but than decided who need it lol. i also hate shoes i have been known to walk bare foot in the snow. simba thinks that when he is awake that i need to be to and i sleep aginst the wall so he will lick my feet to wake me but he isnt as bad as yours lol i guess i am lucky.


Inactive Member
Originally posted by camel24j:
i have been living with gary for 6 yrs and we talked about marrage after the first yr but than decided who need it lol. i also hate shoes i have been known to walk bare foot in the snow. simba thinks that when he is awake that i need to be to and i sleep aginst the wall so he will lick my feet to wake me but he isnt as bad as yours lol i guess i am lucky.
....yeah his pretty bad......nothing like a 100lb ball of fur belly sliding across the floor, because he wants your night when we are on the sofa, he crawls like a soldier in training, until he gets to my feet, and then he nibbles, licks and then goes into a frenzy, rolling around on his back, by the third time, I can't stand it anymore,(because I have very ticklish feet) and have to hide my feet under my legs, and then he sits and whines at me!!!
......I think Ina may have a point!!! :D


Active member
Ok this thread has officially been hi-jacked, so I have to tell y'all that I am tentatively planning to get married in August.... No Newfies will be involved though.

I have met the nicest man in the world and hope to spend the rest of my life with him! I can't wait!