
Inactive Member
While trying to find a food for Yogi as a switch from IAMS (which I hear neg comments on) I am very confused anout the nutritional analysis listed on the bags. All of the percentages are listed as "NOT LESS THAN". Do we really know then what the percentage of protein and fats are. This implies to me that this is the minimum. In trying to find a lower protein and lower fat dog food for a growing giant breed....what do you base it on. My findings are that the cheaper so called economy foods come closer to the low protein,low fat foods that we are looking for---although who knows what else is in them? I see even the so called premium foods are at 23 and 24% protein which is still over the 22% that was reccomended to me.....but mind you, these listed values are the minimum.....just confused.


New member
I remember hearing something about them using sub-standard animal byproducts, something about euthanized cattle? So the chemicals from euthanization were still present in the food?
But I researched it myself because I use Eukanuba, and I think it was just another one of those internet myths. :confused: