FLu Season


New member
I've been getting word that the flu, and "bird flu" is to be real bad this year. Now, we always go through the ole "flu" scare year after year. Unfortunately, one day, it will hit and we are going to suffer something serious.

I can't get any actual confirmations on anything and the "holistic/herbal" places I belong to are only giving warnings.

Likewise, please prepare yourself to be healthy this year. If you catch a virus, and it is lingering, don't hesitate to go to the doctor. Already we've had major amounts of folks come down with a viral type pnemonia. They thought they were fine and BOOOOOOM. They were incredibly ill and in the hospital or bed rest for 2 weeks.
If you have a weak system already, are pregnant, just got over an illness, have any stress at all...please keep a close eye on yourself.

Just be smart and keep an eye on signs...if you feel your throat first okay, but toward your upper lungs...be cautious. Allow yourself bed rest for at least a day.

Don't mean to cause a panic or anything, but truth is, an epidemic can hit anytime, and already I've seen a great deal of lung problems that have gotten serious. Take care of yourselves.



New member
Thanks for the reminder..and around here..one buys the groc., to the tune of a decent amount of cuffing/sneezes and such..already...as working ones way..through the aisles. You guys make a good point that needs to go on a pres-apply..by everyones moniter. Be alert! I am reducing the number of trips to town (save gas/reduce exposure) by extending the amt. time in a store. Rather like the folks 100 years ago..looking at the items needed..and then just having them avail, weeks..or months-worth..at a time. Moving the oldest items to front of shelf, adding the new..to the back-of-the-line. Oregon is reporting the 'dog flu'..and thus..I am even watching HB..for no play pals..as much..since no treatment for it. Not usually considered deadly..but, even with her strong immune system..from being in..the outdoors..I don't want to add-in..an un needed stressor. Thanks a bunch for that, ina n HB


New member
Thanks for the update on this Robin. My daughter just took a job at a daycare facility. Do you have any advice on how she can keep her immune system strong? With all the bacteria/germs crawling around those places, she's gonna need it. :eek:


New member
Wow, this quick reply thing kind of knocked me off balance. Have to use it!!

Amy, my daughter worked in a daycare center up til she had Ceridwen (grandaughter). She carried around some hand sanitizer with her constantly. Like Purell and such. Throughout the day she would just put some on. Other than that, you can only watch for sick children, and let the parents know. The purell started drying out her hands, so she also used some hand lotion.
The only other thing a person could do is make sure you don't get run down, drink lots of juice/fluids, healthy diet and the sorts.

I've noticed that some places make immune system support tablets and looked at the herbs. It works for some not for others. Everyone is different. The thing with the flu is nothing will stop you from getting it if you are to get it. And nothing will "cure" it once you have it. It has to run its course. However, you can take measures to try and stop it from causing serious respiratory complications or watch for those complications and get in to the doctor or ND or herbalist. Whomever you choose!! And it is possible that using some hot teas for immune system will help alleviate some of the more serious problems if you come down with the flu.

I wouldn't suggest the echinacea route for an entire season. Echinacea can help in certain circumstances and is very powerful, but it was never meant as the "immune system" booster that is commercially pushed. In fact a person should only take echinacea for a few weeks, then off of it. It isn't not meant for a long time.
So save the money for good nutrition!

As I hear more, more that is valid that is!, I'll make sure I post. But with this type of season, just make sure you stay healthy to begin with.
