Fleas on puppy.....12 wks


New member
First of all we just got our puppy last week........his name is Cinder (I will eventually get pictures on, IF I can figure it out.)

Anyway....saw a flea on him. What is safe to use on him and can you use frontline on a puppy this young?


New member
I think you can. When you take him for his first Vet visit, the Vet will give you the topical and the heartworm treatments to use. With a Newf puppy, ONLY GET ONE DOSE, for the current month because next month he'll need a different size/dose.


New member
Thank you.....vet called..no appt. but will call if any cancellations. Puppy visit already scheduled for the 19th.


New member
You could call and ask them if you can go in and weigh him and then pick up some of whatever they prefer you use for your area. Frontline is becoming useless around here, but ask if they're having any problems with it (if that's what they recommend). That way you get ahead of a flea problem.

Oh...and wash him in lemon Joy dishwashing detergent. Kills fleas. :) But don't wash 48 hrs before or 24 hrs after using any topical.


New member
Capstar is the best. When I bath the Newfs weekly, I give them a capstar. Gunny is about 170# and gets 2. Cinder would get one.


New member
Puppy friendly flea shampoo:
In a gallon jug mix
1/4 cup Lemon joy dish washing liquid
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1 2-3 ounce bottle of glycerin (ask the pharmacist for it. They keep it in the pharmacy)
Add water to make a gallon.

Gently agitate and bathe using a liberal amount. Let stand on puppy for five minutes and rinse clean.


New member
Thanks all, will do. We have been without power since Thurs.@1:40AM, just got it back. I am so glad that the lemon joy will kill the fleas!!


New member
Can't help with the fleas, (thank goodness) they are very rare in my part of WI. I just wanted to say how happy I am for you, Judy!!!!
Will definitely be needing those pics of Cinder! ;)

Newfy Smitten

New member
Here are a couple of old home remedies I grew up with & have used all my life & I've never had a flea.

Flea Shampoo: Equal parts Heinz Apple Cider Vinegar & Dawn Dishwashing Liquid. Lather your dog well & rinse clean.

Flea repellant: Put a few chamomile tea bags in kennel & fleas won't come around. Lipton is the cheaper of the Chamomile's & is non toxic if your pet eats it.

I open a box & sprinkle it in the kennel inside, his mudd room, his outside kennel & around my house. I also sprinkle salt in the cracks of the patio stones & under his house to keep ants, spiders & other creepy crawlers away. The salt dehidrates them & they die. I try everything I can to stay away from chemicals & toxins.

Good luck & congrats on your puppy.


New member
Puppy friendly flea shampoo:
In a gallon jug mix
1/4 cup Lemon joy dish washing liquid
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1 2-3 ounce bottle of glycerin (ask the pharmacist for it. They keep it in the pharmacy)
Add water to make a gallon.

Gently agitate and bathe using a liberal amount. Let stand on puppy for five minutes and rinse clean.
Is the Glycerin used as preservative ?


New member
No the glycerin is for the skin. The harshness of the detergent used in conjunction with the vinegar to kill the fleas leaves the skin dry. The glycerin is to keep the skin supple.
This recipe came from the Mother Earth Newspaper back in the 70's. Of course the paper is now available online but back in the day it was all hard print.
It was published as an environmentally friendly flea dip. I've used it a lot over the years and when used regularly it is effective.


New member
What's harsh to us, insofar as soap goes, isn't harsh to dogs. Their skin/hair pH is almost at the opposite spectrum of ours. Therefore what is drying to us, is moisturizing for them. What's good for us, is drying for them. That's why you're not supposed to use human shampoos (not even baby shampoo) on dogs. It'll dry their coat and skin.

However...the same conditioner can be used by both species.

I don't think you need glycerin added to the shampoo mixture. And, if I was going to use the vinegar (apple cider only), I'd use it as a final rinse. It's a great conditioner and makes the hair shine (for us or them).

Oh and what kills the fleas is soap, not vinegar (although it is used as a holistic repellent, and doesn't work all that well for any length of time). And start shampooing (with a puppy tear free shampoo) on the head then move down, because when you put the puppy in the water, the fleas will all run up to the head and face.

Lemon Joy has been a standard flea shampoo for eons. Don't know what the "lemon" does exactly, unless it helps to repel briefly. I've used it on baby pets for probably 40+ years (no vinegar or glycerin...but I do use apple cider vinegar and water as a rinse). However, it won't keep fleas off, so if the animal goes back into a flea infested environment, they will return within a day. That's why you need some sort of long term preventative. Talk to the Vet about which he/she recommends for your area.

If you decide on the mix and want to add glycerin, you can get it off the shelf right in a drug store (but I haven't seen it in WalMart)...especially a drug store that has a compounding pharmacy and all sorts of medical/home supplies. Make sure you get the USP Glycerin.
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New member
I've been using this recipe on puppies and some adult dogs since the mid 70's. Recognizing that it may be a bit outdated, I've never deviated from the original recipe and it has worked very well for me over the years. I'm sure things change but I feel this is an oldie a nd a goodie. It's like D said though, it's not meant long term. It kills what fleas are on the pup. It's not a preventative by any means..

IMO Using the vinegar as a leave in rinse is way too smelly for me. lol The smell goes away after a bit but once they get the slightest little bit wet they all smell like a salad hahahaha

OH And Comfortis can be used at 16 weeks I believe..Check first but I recall reading that on the package. That might eliminate your problem all together :)
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