Fireworks & Thunder

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
I'm trying to figure out how to best help my Mom's Shih-Tzu and my sister's terrier mix. Both are absolutely freaked about fireworks and storms. It's already been a rough week for them, with all the violent storms we've had. Plus, people have been firing off firecrackers for several days.

So..... I've seen that people have suggested rescue remedy, melatonin and now peppermint oil. If someone can give me some more specific guidance on doseage amounts/combinations, I'd be very appreciative. They've both tried Rescue Remedy, but with little results.

Thanks! :D


New member
Hi Annie,
Some people have good results with rescue remedy and others don't. Rescue Remedy is actually a flower essence. Your working with the "essence" and energy of a combination of flowers that have been floated in water, for a specific amount of hours, during a specific time of morning, picked at a certain time, certain alignments, a certain way, etc. So it's based more on energies than herbals. And brandy!! Or other edible alcohol.

We used "Animals Apawthecary Tranquility" with excellent success for our jitterish fellow. It's an herbal combination. So the actual medicinals from the herbs are in the formula. We also used treats and I know this sounds silly but a bit of Tellington Touch. Just to ease him through some of the noises. We don't have a fear problem with it now. Now we can just say..."Oh Monty, silly boy" and he calms right down.

The homeopathic "Tranquility" can be found here:

It is a two ounce bottle and will last quite awhile.



Active member
Hi Annie,
The Peppermint Essential Oil should help. Put a couple drops of oil on a cotton ball and dab onto the front paw pads. When the dog rests its head on their paws they get a good whiff of the oil and they start to relax. Peppermint oil has a very calming affect.

For Rescue Remedy, they can try half a dropper full and dose every 15 minutes or as needed. If the half dose doesn't work then go to the full dropper. I've found that at times the RR is more effective when mixed with water.

There is another alternative however I would only use that as a last resort. Benedryl may be given to calm a dog. For a little dog I'd start out with 1/4 tab. I'd much rather start out a bit conservative rather than risk an overdose. For a large dog, 2 tabs are suggested. I'd also suggest that before this med is given that one consult with their Vet or pharmacist to ensure the proper dosage is given. The info I've given here was info my Vet gave me. I'd much rather go the natural route whenever possible so I feel the need to tell folks to consult their Vet when anything else is used. Just to err on the side of caution

Sure hope those doggies can get some relief soon!


New member
my sister's english pointer is terrified of fireworks and thunderstorms and has been battling this for many years. the peppermint oil on the pads of her feet help a little-and believe it or not for storms she uses a dryer sheet and rubs it all over her body-she has also tried that plug in thing-i think its called comfort zone or something like that but it takes time to work so thats too late. when all else fails there is medication from the vet. best thing is all of the windows closed-radio or tv on for noise-some people put cotton in their ears. a basement if it is available might muffle the sound some too. good luck

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
I just sprinkle the peppermint oil directly on the pads of my lab and I find it is the only thing that helps her. I get it at the health food store. I hate this time of year because of what it does to my dogs.


New member
I think you already have had many info here, but I wanted to add something: I have very good experience with rescue remedy, but also with TTouch, and if you combine the two it could work very well.
TTouch is a kind of massage that you can learn quite easily, and it has great effect on the dog.
You can look at their website
(if I'm not allowed to post the website, remove it).


New member
Yes!!! Lavender is very good also! Not only calms but keeps the bugga boos away! We use a lot of that in our home!!
