Ear Infections


Inactive Member
Hi everyone. I need some help folks. Has anyone out there had a dog who developed ear infections frequently? I have had Abbey for almost 4 years now. About two years ago she started getting ear infections occasionally even though I cleaned out her ears on a routine basis. Strangely enough the problem was almost always in her right ear only. Otomax or Baytril Otic drops would clear up the problem, but in time, the infection would return. Now these medications don't even work because she has basically become immune to them. She's been in and out of different vet offices. It seems as though none of them really know how to treat this problem. Right now she is taking Prednisone orally, plus she is having drops of Conofite and Synotic applied to the right ear twice a day. I started her on a elimination diet a couple of weeks ago to see if maybe her problem is a food allergy, but so far I have seen much change in the ear. I suppose the next step will be to have her skin tested for allergies. Ughhhh. I am so frustrated! I guess I'm just wondering if anyone out there has had a similar experience. I would love to hear your story and I would appreciate ANY advice.


Inactive Member
I'm affraid I can't give you any advise, only symphaties. Misha had had an ear infection and I know how unpleasant it is for a dog. We managed to cure her, but I noticed that her ears are now more sensitive. I already took her to vet because I thought she had another infection, but after the exam and test it turned out she didn't have it. She just reacts more on cold and wind.

I hope you'll find out the cause for your dog's problems and then resolve it.

Good luck,



New member
Allergies would be highly suspect. Food allergies can cause this kind of reaction. On the other hand, have you had your pup's thyroid checked? Might be worth a shot. I believe ear infections may be an effect of thyroid problems. Usually a T-4 test is sufficient to indicate a problem there. The elimination diet should help regardless of the root cause of the ear infection though.


Super Moderator
Try using white vinager and water. 50-50 mixture. It will kill the bacteria and help clear it up. I use it on Sam quite often because she is prone to ear infections

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda


New member
Here's my favorite Blue Power Ear Solution. It worked wonderfully for my old Gussie, who kept getting ear infections. With this, they stayed clean until we lost her.

Blue Power Ear Solution
> 16 oz Isopropyl Alcohol
> 4 tablespoons Boric Acid Powder
> 16 drops Gentian Violet Solution1%
> usually available at pharmacies,but they may have to order it for
> you
> Mix together and shake well. (I use a hair coloring bottle.) Shake well
> every time you use it to disperse the Boric Acid Powder. Flood ear with
> solution, gently squirting bottle. Massage gently, then wipe with a
> Flood ear again on first treatment, wipe ear, then leave without
> Suggested schedule:
> 2X daily for first week or 2, depending on severity of ears
> 1X daily for next 1-2 weeks
> 1X monthly thereafter
> I use it as an ear cleaner, and my Newfs' ears have been better than
> I've ever seen them.


Inactive Member
Yes, thanks so much! I will definitely try it on Nani and Bear's ears. I've forgotten Boric Acid is wonderful for infections.


"To err is human.
To forgive, canine."