Eagle Pack Lg and Giant Breed Adult Formula


New member
Eagle Pack has just added this to their selections. Do any of the food experts or breeders have an opinion on this.

Shiva is still growing, she's 15 months old, so I think the protein is too high. But would it be ok once she gets older.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Shannon, with Shiva the newf (I'm just a baby mom) and Sierra the Lhasa


New member
Hi Shannon,
You will find that folks here have strong opinions about dog foods. I LOVE Eagle Pack. I feed it to both newfs and the cats. Gabe is 18 months and I feed him the Holistic Lamb adult formula-22% protein and 15% fat. Occasionally I buy a bag of the duck just for different meat protein. I avoid the chicken formula bacause it upsets Gabe's stomach for some reason.
I would not switch. Gabriel has always eaten adult food. Baby Hannah eats the adult formulas too. (6 months old) I am sure someone will slap me for that, but I really don't see that much difference in the adult and puppy formulas.


New member
No slapping from me.. i feed EP, the difference in adult and puppy is the protein.. in a newf u want less protein so they grow slow..and yes.. adult giant breed is the way to go with a pup, or all raw IMHO
