Dog Park


Inactive Member
I have not been able to be apart of this group for awhile.Glad to be back. I have some concerns.Last night I went to the dog park with Sally and then to the lake. At the park another dog was humping Sally to show his rank and she kept running from him. The dog was kept it up. She never barked at him or growled, she just ran.In the process she knocked over a lab mix.People were upset with her but, She was not trying to get away.The owner of the hump monster dog really didn't say anything so I took Sally out.We did have alot of dogs there.Should I be worried?Or is this kids will be kids?I am a little amazed that she did nothing but run away. :confused:


New member
Sorry, but I'd be p----d! I'd tell the owner of the "hump" monster to control their dog! They shouldn't have allowed that. Maybe your dog is just too polite to say so herself. ;)

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
It is simply outrageous that the "hump-master's" owners did nothing to correct his behavior. If you go back, and this occurs again, I would speak to the dog's owners, and if necessary, the park's authorities.


New member
I have a neighbor with two standard poodles who FREQUENTLY end up playing with my dogs on the beach and the owners think that playing the "humpies" is a fun game. This last time ... when the one was after Rita like nobody's business (Hudson has set them straight on more than one occasion) and A.) I was concerned he could hurt her and B.) I don't allow my own dogs to THINK about doing that so why would I allow another dog to do it to them. I finally told the neighbor (who I like) that this is about dominance not sexuality and that I don't allow it so either she was gonna yell at her dog or I was. Finally I just put Rita on a leash and kept her with me.

Sorry this happened!


New member
I'm sorry you had that experience. We don't have a dog park near us, so I'm not up on the etiquette...but common sense would tell me not to allow my dogs to do that to others. I'm surprised the owner wasn't embarassed and apologizing all over the place. I would have been.