Dog Cart to good home...


New member
Hi Guys!

Dudley's still having issues with is knee, possibly more but we hope it's his knee. Last weekend he refused stairs, was very lethargic, even to the point of letting breakfast and dinner time go without noticing. :(

Took him in Tuesday and they ran blood work. All clear so they are assuming it's his knee. Gave him pain meds and he is definitely much better now. I assume that's a bad thing as he can't be on pain meds all the time and we'll need to address the knee issue soon.

Therefore, I am offering up his red wagon cart to anybody that would like it. If you're within 60 minutes of Buffalo, NY, I'll drop it off. I just want to see it get used and to a good home. It's in excellent shape.

Let me know...


New member
OMG I would love to do this with Millie!!!! I have actually been looking around for a wagon! My friend is from Niagra Falls, NY and visits most weekends! Could I set something up??

Actually Grand Island which is even closer :)
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New member
Hi Jessica,

I received a PM about it. If they don't answer back, it's yours.

I'll let you know!