Deterrent for dogs biting each other?


Our two dogs are wrestling/fighting/biting harder than I would like. They both have some scabs from their matches that concern me. I am wondering if something like bitter apple spray might work at least on their necks to keep them from biting in the same spot? They are happy as can be fighting so rough, I am just worried that they are hurting each other. I do correct them when I see them getting too wild - just hard to keep them apart unless supervised at all times. I am going to ask our trainer about it, but thought I'd check here as well. Thanks in advance.


New member
If they don't mind then, you can put them in there crates, if you use them or just time out someplace seperated from each other. You are the pack leader and have to make sure they understand this. You control the play.


New member
I work on mine using the phrase, "timeout" whenever they start to get too rough with each other. At first, it required physically separating them mid-play...but with lots of repetition, they now know to take a break when I say it. But then again, mine are never unsupervised, either.


New member
I have the same issue with my 3 yr old Lab and the 6 mo old Newf pup. It has been fun to watch the puppy slowly take the upper hand with the Lab but now they are starting to get pretty rough. No wounds yet but it is 180 pounds moving through the house sometimes! I have tried the bitter apple on the pup and now I only have to show her the bitter apple and she stops for awhile. Then the Lab instigates it and I can't really punish the pup :nono: . When they get on my last nerve - I seperate them;).


New member
I also used Bitter Apple. I dilluted it with some water in a spray bottle. Sprayed in right in there mouths when they started rough houses. Worked like a charm. Good luck.