Day Care


New member
What are your thoughts on day care? Every now and then my husband and I put in long days at work. Not too often but we feel awful leaving Brady home (even though my Mom is here). We were thinking about day care for these days. Any thoughts?? thank you. By the way, you are all great!


Super Moderator
I am starting a pet day care when I move my business. I have done lots of checking on how to run a good pet day care. Here are some of the things I think are important.
1. Are the dogs out with simular size and temperment dogs?
2. Are the dog supervised at ALL times and is that person knowledgeable on dogs knowing how to fore see trouble before it begins?
3. Is the play area fences with a HIGH fence and no holes to escape?
4. Is the play area large enough for the amount of dogs they have out at one time?
5. Is there an alternate play area in case of adverse weather conditions?
6. Does the establishment require vaccinations on all dogs?
7. Do they offer any one on one time with each dog or is it just out and play with all the dogs?

Hope this helps

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda


New member
thank you so much for those things to look for. I have printed them off. My husband and I visited your website last night your girls are beautiful and come with wonderful stories. I know this topic is in the wrong place, but I didn't realize it until I was done.
thanks again


Super Moderator
I am so happy you visited my website and liked it. I, too, think my girls are wonderful and the lives they had was terrible especially for Sara.

<<sniff-sniff>> You didn't sign my guest book

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda