Daft Question- Grooming


New member
Sorry this is a daft question but the pics i have seen of the dogs who are shown there hair looks quite short and fluffy, How do you achieve this?
I brush Noah daily and at the moment he is loosing his undercoat like crazy, i would just like to know what i need to do to try and achieve this?? (for fun by the way) i know it will be hard work
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Lisa@Caeles Hills

New member
My Newf is clipped for show by a professional. But you can achieve the fluffy look at home by getting your Newf wet with a sprayer containing water and a capful of Lysterine (for shine). Then use your blower (NOT a hairdryer) to blow him out all fluffy. The blower will also help blow the dead coat out of him and help to keep his skin healthy. Here is my boy's last show pic, with his shorter clip fluffed out....


New member
Thanks for tips, Loverly picture by the way. So where exactly do they clip? not going to try myself but going to the groomers tomorrow and just interested Hannah

Lisa@Caeles Hills

New member
Rafe is clipped on his chest and neck, his belly, head, and of course the usual ears, feet and hocks. The hocks on this pic were curved down to meet the foot, and quite a bit of his "lions mane" on his chest and shoulders was clipped off. One thing great about Newfs, is the hair grows back pretty quickly so you neednt worry too much. His groomer always uses a thinning shears while clipping, and clips off his whiskers too. Good luck at the groomers tomarro.

R Taft

Active member
Horse clippers also work on the ears and feet, to tidy them up. You keep them away from the actual ear and body and just sort of flow over. My first time was a disaster :lol:, but I am now quite happy with the result nowadays.After nearly thirty years of owning newf you get practise. I do not show, so a mishap is not a disaster