

Inactive Member
My husband found a live centipede in the bedroom today. Our house is way off the ground so I'm not sure how in came in. I'm wondering if the centipede happen to catch a ride on one of the newfies and maybe they brought it in the house. I was terrified when I saw it. If they did bring it in, I'm glad they didn't get stung.


Staff member
I used to live in a second story appt. and we used to get probably a centipede a day! We always thought they came up through the drains, because that's where they would often scurry back to. We used to get them in the tub a lot too.

When I was a kid on the farm we had them all the time - just part of life I guess.

They don't really bother anyone, and I'm pretty sure only the big jungle centipedes are seriously poisonous. Don't quote me on that though, as I've never seen anyone or anything stung by one.



Super Moderator
I found one next to my newfie the other day and I concluded that it came in on her hair, however later as I was cleaning some corn on the cob (oh no not that again LOL) they were covered with them
so I tossed the whole dozen and have not seen any since.



Inactive Member
I know of several people that have gotten stung by a centipede and swelled up. They say it feels like a bee sting. One day Malia was out sniffing the flowers and a bee came out of it and stung her in the face. As we were driving her to the vets, her face continued to swell. It was pretty scarey at the time but now that I think about it, she looked really funny.


Staff member
We had a relative's dog get stung by "something" in the face. Looked like a Shar-Pei (sp?) when it happend. We have benedryl on hand (given to us by our vet) with instructions for the dogs if they get stung and swell up.

Good to know about the centipedes. I'm amazed I've never seen anyone get stung. I guess they always scurry away too fast (the bugs AND the people!).


New member
I think GAD has the right idea. Benedryl is something that each of us should probably keep on hand in the first aid kit, with instructions from our vets as to dosage. (Check about each dog, if you have different breeds. I believe the size of the dog would make a difference.) But if they seem to have problems breathing, or if the tongue is swollen, give it on the way to or as you're calling the vet. Just as with people, some insect sting reactions can be life-threatening, and it's better to be safe than sorry.


Inactive Member
You know what? She did look like a Shar pei when she started to swell! She was moving air okay but I wanted to bring her in because the swelling was getting worse pretty quickly. She got a shot of benadryl and some to take home. I remember she needed allot of pills (she weighs 150 pounds). Now it's our male, Boomer that we have to worry about. He is so very curious!