Canon Digital Rebel XT


New member
i am going to upload photos i took with hood on, polarizer and in AV and auto settings
some of them the ground is way overexposed, and some of them the white fur to bright, this is where photoshop comes in handy to.


Staff member
That middle one is a perfect example - the Newf is well exposed and the ground is completly blown out. We call this "blown highlights" because the light parts of the image are pure white.

Look at Sar's Avatar. The black news and the background are well exposed, but there's no detail in the white fur. Another example of "blown highlights".

The problem in both is simply the dynamic range of the camera (and more specificaly jpg). The only way to make these better (and they're both pretty good already) is to meter for the white more, then use flash to fill in the black.

Sar yours looks posed with a nice background - was it a pro shot?



New member
Originally posted by sarnewfie:
Ardea the Burn tool set at 30%
nice job on those pics largo
If you were trying to get rid of white glare wouldn't you use the Dodge tool rather than burn? I thought burn was for highlighting dark areas and Dodge was the opposite?


New member
i actually was told to use the burn on the white, and here is a photo where i used it
a very very very good photographer instructed me to use burn, no one ever said dodge, but i could play with that one to.
so on that photo, he was dark and sky was overexposed, so i tried black and white.
used burn tool on his head, bridge of nose, and the chest on the right side, the sunnyside.
let me know what you think erin.


New member
Hey gad yes, permission to use it granted, but he didnt do well with the white and black none of them were really well done, ;)
i bet you would do a lot better.
he used the classic lamps way back ten years ago that was so the advanced lights they have now were not available than, i probly could tinker with that.