Can there be 2 top dogs?


New member
Gosh, two topics in one day...

My husband is frustrated because Moya does not obey him the way she obeys me. This is probably because I am home all day with her and do all the training. This leads to his saying her name in irritated tones when she is not obeying which probably doesn't help.

Can there be 2 top dogs in the house? For everyone's safety, we need her to obey both of us. Was thinking he should do some dominance exercises with her...Long sit-stay where every time she tries to move he puts her back. What do you guys think?

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
Damian-Dogs establish a "pecking order" or dominance within their litter and then again when they get to their human family. It looks like the order in your family, so far, is Damian, Moya, Bill. Bill will have to work on changing that order, with the dominance routine you mentioned, or maybe if he can take her to obedience classes when she starts. In Moya's eyes, she will listen to you since she sees herself as subordinate to you. She likewise sees Bill as a subordinate to her. With a little work, she should come around as she is still very young yet.