Brat Jakester


New member
Well here I was thinking the biting stage was all done, Jake had finally quit trying to take my shoes while my feet were in them and had basically quit biting hands, but......guess what the brat is back. Today he wouldn't quit while we were on the deck, so out into the grass we went and I threw him down and yelled no biting! He is getting a little tougher to hold down due to him being over 80lbs but I can still do it LOL. And he actually had the nerve to try to get up the little big brat while I was laying on him :rolleyes: and when I did let him up I totally ignored him and acted like he wasn't there. Thank goodness he starts back in classes next week


New member
Brady seems to have forgotten his manners as well! He too will be going back to class shortly. :rolleyes:


Inactive Member
It must be that time of the year LOL

my lil "Lady" Bear is getting her 'tude back and will be back for advanced obedience in just a few weeks.



New member
Well I am glad to see Jake isn't the only brat out there with a attitude LOL, I was beginning to think this was his way of getting even because we went on vacation without him,my neighbor babysat for me LOL so it isn't like he didn't get plenty of attention while we were gone LOL.

Linda thanks for the sympathy post up there LOL.



New member
Yep, I'm just dripping with sympathy ;) .

You want to see 'tude? Come on over and have a visit with "Miss" Molly. AKA Queen 'tude.



New member
For my brat who loves to try to boss me around in the yard...grabbing shoes, pant legs, arms and hands...with some very nice bruising :rolleyes: :( , apple bitter has become my best friend. Seems to knock the attitude right out of him. It is a lot easier than trying to physically control him, especially at 97lbs.

Apple bitter didn't work very well when he was younger, but apparently he has developed more refined taste with age.



New member
I keep plenty of the apple bitter on hand believe me :rolleyes: it helps with the floor molding, the hands, feet anything he wants to start chewing lately. In fact now it happens to be my berber carpet :mad: maybe I will just buy the stuff by the gallons and spray everything down with it in the house :D :rolleyes: . Thank god school starts again next Saturday for my big heathen. LOL
