Books on Newfies


Inactive Member
Hi everyone
I am looking for some really good informative books on Newfies. My parents who are in love with Murrie, want to get a newfie pup. I am tring to slow my dad down on this, for fear he will jump into more than they really want to handle (as they love to go to the casinos for the weekend). I am looking for books as my dad at 72, is not exactly internet savvy. I have given him the two I have, but I find out most of my info thru the internet so I am sort of bookless. If anyone could recommend some I would be entirely greatful. Thanks Sheehan

angie j

New member
Judi Adler, "Newfoundland dog, Early Care.." Can be ordered through 'Sweetbay' website. I don't know any others that are breed spacific, Perhaps others do.


New member
The Newfoundland: Companion Dog, Water Dog by Joan Bendure is a good one, too.
Also Newfoundlands by Emmy Bruno is excellent. Newfoundlands Today by Hedd and Del Richards is another one. THe best one in my opinion is the Judi Adler one. The Bendure and Bruno ones are probably available on ebay or Amazon. Judi's you have to order from her.