

Inactive Member
We took Bear (5 1/2 months) out on our boat today. The boat is a fish and ski. Bear really enjoyed it and would have loved it much more if he would have been able to swim, the problem was and is that we have a hard time getting him back up on the boat he cannot get himself back up it takes me and dh to help lift him and it really scared me so I did not let him back out? Do you guys have any advice/tips or know of anything we can buy or rig up to help him out?



New member
I was watching these water trials for Portugese water dogs on Animal Planet. On the back of the boats they had a little platform that the dog could easily climb on. Is there any way you could rig something on the back of the boat to kind of give a step in? (something you could remove). Away from the motor of course. Brady is afraid of the engine noise so we can't get him into the boat yet. We would never be able to him back in as it is a deep lobster type boat.


Inactive Member
That sounds very intersting, I wonder how low it would have to be? As a ski boat it has a low bay almost level with the water at the back, the kids love to sit back there and splash with their feet, it was too slippery for him to grip onto and I think it needed to be lower as he was no where near strong enough to pull himself up...and neither was I!


New member
To add to what the others mentioned i would use a harness, it would give you added leverage to help him in.


Inactive Member
Do they make a harness for x-large dogs? If so that would be great, he was on his flexi lead the whole time, but I did not feel like I had much support since his collar has been known to slip. Thanks!

nice newfie

New member
I don't have a boat, I don't do woodwork but,I was thinking you could build a ramp using a piece of strand board that was waterproofed somehow Put hinges on it to flip in or out of the boat,and use 1 X 2" strips going across to make it gripable for the paws? TRy to fingd a spot at the back of the boat and go from there to figure out with wide to make it.Just my two cent's worth Good luck Karen S


New member
We've got our boats in the water (FINALLY) and I have been worrying about the same problem. The goldens are no problem as they're athletic, and featherweights compared to the newfs. MY newfs will expect me to do all the work, getting them back in
. One option would be to take the boat into shallow water hop out and push their back end in.

I have an idea that I'd like some input on. What about those canvas slings that you carry firewood in with? A rectangle of heavy canvas with canvas handles on each long end. You normally put firewood on the canvas, pull up each side and carry it into the house by the handles. Why couldn't I make one the proper size to slip under the belly of a newf and once their front paws are on the deck, I could lift the back end out? Hope you can picture what I'm trying to say here
. Give me your opinions on this? Thanks.