Ben is home!!! :)


Inactive Member
Well we brought our big guy home today, what a good feeling that was. He was so happy to see me, he was wiggling like crazy. He is doing very well. He needs assistance getting to a standing position, so I am using a sheet under his belly to help lift him. Once standing he is getting around quite well, even putting a little weight on his operated side now and then. He is not whining or complaining, he is such a trooper...I'm so proud of him. He's eating and just enjoying all the love and attention. It looks like it's going to be quite the recovery tho, I'll keep you all posted.


New member
So glad to hear that he's home (and so glad to be there that he's wiggling!) Try not to let him get too excited...easier said than done, I know! Please keep us updated on his progress, and give him a big hug.