Ben and Jake update


Inactive Member
Just wanted to let you all know that the treatment to try and shrink Jake's tumour did not work and he will be going in for surgery tomorrow morning to have it removed. I'm praying that the cancer is localized only to the skin, the vet will know more once he goes in. Please keep Jake in your prayers.
Ben is still seizure free after 17 days. He continues with the Phenobarb and the regular feedings for his blood sugar level. We have booked his hip surgery for November 17th if all remains the same. I hope we can go through with the surgery because he is having alot of trouble with his Hip. Alot of pain. The vet told me today that I am making the right decision, to leave him would mean a very poor quality life full of pain, and we'd probably be looking at putting him down. We don't really have a choice, I just pray it works out for him. I'll keep you posted.

Jennifer, Ben and Jake


New member
Wow! What a lot to handle all at once. :eek: Will be pulling for both Jake and Ben, and keeping them in our thoughts and prayers. Remember there are many ears to listen and hearts to give support here. Keep us updated when you can.


Inactive Member
Jennifer, I'm sure these last few weeks have been very tough on you. I'm so sorry you had to go through all of this, but it sounds like you've corrected Ben's seizures and hopefully Jake will be in and out of his surgery and back to normal in no time. It seems like lateley I've known several dogs who have had minor tumors removed, but they've all been benign and I'm sure Jake's will be too. And poor Ben :( You're doing everything you can and soon he'll be on the road to recovery. Try to keep your chin up, we're all praying for you!


New member
I am hiking late..and reading now I will hold you/yours in my thoughts. Sending strong hopes for improvement from here, ina n HB