Barrie's Peter Pan


New member
Unlike the Disney movie, the genius of the original Peter Pan is in the first couple of chapters, which take place in the Darling home, where the Newf Nana is a key character. Neverland is fun and all, but the details of the conflict between Mr. Darling and his Newf (which motivates the whole story) left me literally crying with laughter. I won't give that away, I'll just give this passage:

"Mrs. Darling loved to have everything just so, and Mr.Darling had a passion for being exactly like his neighbours; so, of course, they had a nurse. As they were poor, owing to the amount of milk the children drank, this nurse was a prim Newfoundland dog, called Nana, who had belonged to no one in particular until the Darlings engaged her. She had always thought children important, however, and the Darlings had become acquainted with her in Kensington Gardens, where she spent most of her spare time peeping into perambulators, and was much hated by careless nursemaids, whom she followed to their home and complained of to their mistresses. She proved to be quite a treasure of a nurse. How thorough she was at bath-time; and up at any moment of the night if one of her charges made the slightest cry."

And then, of course, the end...Mr. Darling ends up in the dog house...literally. It's such a wonderful novel for kids and adults, and Barrie's Newf is just wonderful. Magical, without being "talking animal Disnified".


ROM Newf

New member
And there is a "coffee table" version of this book illustrated by Raquel Jaramillo. Photographs of the "scenes" with a real Landseer. The Landseer used in the book is Mastway Willow in the Wind, CD, WD, CGC- one of my "grandkids."
Newf Emporium carries (or at least carried) the book.


New member
Guess I am going to just have to go back to Newf Emporium for one more thing! I had never heard of this book. Thank you

ROM Newf

New member
The "real thing" was published by Simon & Schuster with a retail price of $25.
Wonder if what they're offering is the same thing? Don't know if it's available in paperback.
I just received my copy of this today. Someone had posted on a different thread that had it for $4.95 + shipping. It is the hardcover version illustrated by Raquel Jaramillo with the pics of the Landseer in it. Total price with shipping was $9.40.


Inactive Member
Originally posted by FuzzyDustBunnies:
I just received my copy of this today. Someone had posted on a different thread that had it for $4.95 + shipping. It is the hardcover version illustrated by Raquel Jaramillo with the pics of the Landseer in it. Total price with shipping was $9.40.
I posted about the Peter Pan book and the Newf book earlier but deleted the post because the "NEWF" books are all gone from that company so it became a "dead link" so to speak. I had already ordered the Peter Pan book from or else I would've taken advantage of the $4.95 ($9.40 w/shipping) Peter Pan price as well.