AWESOME silver color around pupil


Inactive User
Heyo! You guys sick of me posting yet?

So I mentioned that the vet found our "silver lining" today. He looked into Moose's eyes and gasped and said, "what gorgeous eyes you have, I've never seen any like them!" and I thought he just meant how newfs can have very expressive eyes...but no. Turns out Moose has a rim of silver around his pupils and the vet had never seen that before. Look close and you can see it. (the weird line you see in his eye is because it's his ectopic eyelid. It's starting to straighten out more now and unroll as his head gets bigger)

I'm claiming it's his soul shining through. ;) Has anyone else ever seen this on their newfs?


Inactive User
It's weird. Apparently it's genetic. i mentioned it to the breeder and she looked - one daughter and the mom has it, her two other newfs don't. Wonder how many other of his siblings have it, but apparently his are the most prominent. I'll try to get a better picture with my nice camera. I had to hold a bully stick over my head to get this can kind of see it in the reflection!


New member
Awwww his eyes are stunning, I have no newfy eyes to look into yet but when I go to my breeders during the week I will look into all those gorgeous Newfie eyes ans see if I can spot any silver xxx


New member
Okay. I'm going to go find Moonlight and check her eyes. She's an off color (gray and white) and had beautiful apple green eyes when we got her. Now the actually seem to change frequently. Gotta go check, because I've never seen anything like that either. Exotic.


Active member
Those are his angel wings peeking through. All Newfs have them; they just don't all peek through like that. :)