Average weight 4 months?


Inactive Member
Aristotle turns four months old next week and already weighs 45 pounds. Is this average for a newf? He has been averaging about 5 pounds a week since he was 9 weeks old and is showing no signs of slowing down. He is pretty darn cute but every couple of days his body changes again. Its like watching a slinky. LOL If people remember what there dogs weight was when they were four months old I am just curious what the average weight is.


New member
I think its hard to say, different lines etc, basically every dog grows a little differently. I think Ozzy was right around 40lbs at 4 months, but he is a little smaller than average and has always been on the lean side. Someone did an infromal height and weight chart under the breeding and genetics forum at the beginning or middle of the summer I think, but again it is not scientific. I think as long as your pup has lots of energy, is not clearly overweight or underweight then he is probably fine. hth

oops it was in the food and diet section, heres the thread:

[ 09-12-2004, 06:05 PM: Message edited by: Ozzy-pie ]


Inactive Member
Hey thanks for the information. I looked up both URL
links and found it pretty interesting. It looks like Aristotle is right where he is supposed to be on the