Annie's foster

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
Sabrina's still here with us.. she's lying under my chair right this very minute. She's doing very well, all things considered. She came through her spaying with out a problem. I took her in last weekend to have the stitches removed... and was very pleased by her behavior in the waiting room. Apparently, she has quite a fondness for puppies. We were sitting next to a boxer puppy, and Sabrina washed out his ears. She loved a basset puppy, and a beagle puppy too. She even walked up to a woman, and ended up giving her a kiss on the cheek.

She's doing very well with our dogs. She and Kira are best buddies, and the play so well togehter. Sailor is still in love, but his hormomes seem to be calming down. They do sleep side by side alot... it's so cute.

My digital camera died, and I've just ordered a new one... and will get some pictures posted as soon as I get it and figure out how to work it.

Sabrina will be with us as long as it takes to find the perfect home for her. She deserves nothing less, and will need alot of patience and understanding. We have a couple of prospects in mind.

I'm taking her to SCNC's Annual Dinner/Awards Banquet on Saturday. This will be a big deal for her. I'm anxious to see how she does.

Russell will be camping with his troop. So, I'm going to ride with Laura to the meeting. Laura can let you know what she thinks of Sabrina!

[ 03-18-2003, 11:08 PM: Message edited by: Annie Milliron ]


New member
Laura's looking forward to it. We're meeting at petsmart and I am bringing treats. Then I am Sabrina-sitting while Annie has a board meeting. We're going to eat liver and have pets....


New member
Annie Thanks for the update. I am so excited she is comming along. She seems so very happy, and likes to share her Newfie kisses. I'm glad you have some prospects for her forever home.
I can't wait to see some pics.
Laura you lucky girl to Sabrina sit and show her some lovin'