Agility, i highly recommend this....


New member
penny is in her second class she missed 2 due to dog shows, well gol dang, you should see her, she did the cat walk first try, was sloppy but she did it, we did that 5 times, the teeter totter, was not full height but still it was high enough that she had to be careful when she went across, she loves this, ok so we had jump, tunnel, jump, and we crisscrossed the pattern, everyone was laughing at her becouse she springs over the jumps like she has springs in her leg! it was priceless! they all want us to continue, we had taken morgan thru and she was just as good, so i may jump into this stuff, they so enjoy it.
only thing is if i screw up they do also! LOL


New member
We love our agility class. The only thing Boagie has a hard time with is the tunnle. Her shoulders get caught up. Oh, and if she is tiered. she just goes right through the jumps, Why go over what you can go through? :D


New member
Dogger i can just picture that, going thru the jumps! hee hee

we have a st bernard that was a rescue, in the class, she is doing really well, excepting the catwalk and the teeter, she is doing really well, the tunnel was trouble for her, but she is doing much better with that even, she is a lot of work, and we usually wait a long time to do our stuff,becouse she is a special needs girl, but that is ok! penny doesnt need extra time, they split us up into groups by size so luckily there is just the nard and penny together.

this sat no sat is the dog show so we will miss another! arrrggg


New member
I've never formally participated in agility, but am looking into starting. On another note...I think Newfies were born to go "through" things. I have never had a baby gate that contained a newfie. My 2 year old, Madison, either bulldozes even the most secure gate, or simply leaps over it. My foster newfie, 4 month old Bart, takes his husky little body and regularly bulldozes any gates.

It's one of those very endearing, but frustrating newfie traits. I'm afraid that if I try agility I'll end up with the same problem -- Newfies running through the course instead of jumping!


New member
they may totally surprise you though and enjoy the jumps thoroughly!
you should try the beginners just to see if they will do it, it truly is fun!