6 weeks old and very busy (lots of photos and video)


Active member
The pups are now six weeks old. This has been a very busy week for them. They were introduced to miniature agility equipment, hunted for treats in a "ball pit", worked on their attention (a default "watch me" behaviour), and Nora has begun working on her stacking.


Black Boy, now Jasper

Blue Boy, tentatively Pablo

Blue Boy modeling the agility equipment

When the puppies are six weeks old, they are taught the concept that attention (eye contact) is a behaviour that will be rewarded. The first step is to click and then treat (reinforce) any glance towards the eyes or direct eye contact. Once the pups comprehend that eye contact will be rewarded, the criteria for reinforcement is increased by adding duration, distractions, and different locations. This clip shows the first session (introducing the concept) with Nora (six week old puppy). It doesn’t take long for her to figure out that eye contact pays.

When the litter is six weeks of age, pups that are show prospects are introduced to stacking. The first step involves teaching the pup that the act of being still will be rewarded. It doesn’t matter what the puppy is doing (i.e. sitting, standing). They are rewarded for being motionless. Criteria is raised slowly. They are introduced to a finger cue, duration is increased and then varied, and they become accustomed to having their feet repositioned. This is Nora's first session.

Today I began repositioning Nora's feet. The challenge for her was twofold: accept me moving her feet, and then hold the position briefly. She did a fantastic job.

Ball Pit - just for fun [this one is long 5:47 minutes]

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Bailey Boy

New member
Oh they are getting so big and beautiful! Nora looks so sweet Jasper doesn't look to enthused about having his picture taken LOL either that or he is ready for his afternoon nap :) Oh little Pablo he look so sweet and a bit shy to me for some reason.

Your babies are adorable.


New member
The ball pit is hilarious! and love your training times with Nora. Can't wait to have a new puppy so I can do this too. Nora is a little wonder.