101 Ways To Do More With Your Dog


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101 Ways To Do More With Your Dog
by Kyra Sundance

This is a really cool book. Lots of big color photos. Easy and interesting.

Introduces many different activities ppl do with dogs, explains origin and purpose, shows if it develops physical, mental, social, bonding fulfillment, explains what the sport involves, what gear is used, how to get started, and training tips.

Describes ideal dogs for the sport, features an expert in each activity and their advice, talks about whether there's tests, trials, shows, clubs built around the activity, and includes all sorts of fascinating tidbits about different dog breeds.

I discovered this book because we're starting Orka in joring sports (pulling, dog powered driving) and we went to Sandy to Kim Tinker's ( 3x NW Skijor Champion) skijor kennel to get Orka fitted for a skijoring harness and booties. She impressed me so much I googled her afterward and saw her quoted in this book.

The book is just a visual delight, a kid's intro to dog sports and a grown-up mini-coffee table book. It makes one's head spin realizing all the different ways to have fun with the fur kids, do crazy sporty things, get exercise, out in the great outdoors and provide one's dog with an amazingly interesting zestful life.

Fodder for lots of exploration! My book is already flagged all over :)


New member
I have her Kyra's 101 Dog Tricks book and really like it! Very easy to follow! I have always had a huge soft spot for Weims, so I had to get at least one of her books.