Recent content by maybe532

  1. maybe532

    New Puppy

    Hi all, I have been researching newfies for quite some time and we finally took the plunge today...and got a newfie mix. Her daddy was a newfie and her momma was a golden retriever. If mixes aren't allowed so sorry, she is the most newfie-looking of the litter. We haven't picked out a...
  2. maybe532

    Raw diet questions

    I was wondering if anyone on here feeds the BARF diet to their dogs. I don't have a Newfie yet but I do feed my dog, Lucy, a raw diet. Although she's 27 lbs, not 150 lbs. Online I've read that you feed 2-3% of their body weight which means 3-4.5 lbs of raw food per day (based on 150 just to...
  3. maybe532

    Hi, new here

    Hello everyone, I stumbled on the forum while trying to find information about Newfoundlands. My husband and I want to get one but we're trying to learn everything we can first. I was hoping to learn how much it costs to have one (monthly expenses) to determine if we can afford one. I have...