Recent content by jsully8

  1. jsully8

    i'm getting a newfy! breeder question

    I have goodnews! Fenway's getting a littel brother or sister....a a little over a year. haha I have to wait until we get posted next year, but still I'm excited. So, I'm starting my search early, plus this way I'll have time to save up my chuckies. haha I thought I would look into...
  2. jsully8

    a grumpy bum...worried

    I was watching Fenway outside this afternoon going for a poop, I watch and then go out and examine it to make sure all is well. Well today I had a surprise, she first went once and it was fine but then she turned around and went again and it was all runny and I'm going to assume diarrhea. She...
  3. jsully8

    Blue Jay's anyone...?

    So, I had read a post a while back about a man looking for some tickets to a sox game so he could bring his dog for the dog day. Well....what did I do tonight, I went on to the Toronto Blue Jays site and much to my surprise they have a dog day too!! July 26 we're so going!! My only concern is...
  4. jsully8

    dog fountain and gardening

    So this is my first house and I'm bound and determined to create a nice garden...mind you I'm not sure if I have a green bone/thumb in my body. My mom is a beautiful gardener, but I've never been interested until now. Anyways, what I'm writing this for is in hopes of someone knowing anything on...
  5. jsully8

    Fenway visited the vets today; I'm stronger than I thought!!

    Well today was Fenway's visit to the vets; it was actually the first time to the vets for both of us. My hubby had the pleasure of meeting her for Ortiz. I was so surprised at Fenway, she was SO good!! She got a booster, dewormer, temperature checked (you know where) and her nails clipped. She...
  6. jsully8

    2 girls at our local shelter!!!

    This is so heartbreaking! Sometimes I wonder why I torture myself by looking on these sites....I found 2 newfoundlands at our local shelter!! They were picked up together, and have had no owners come to reclaim them.... I have to go...
  7. jsully8

    OSPCA spay/neuter??

    I was reading through some posting on the kijiji site and came across an ad with this link to it... just wondering has anyone heard about this?? Opinions?? I was just thinking if it was a way of helping cut costs for us that we might contact them...
  8. jsully8

    Cat Poop Treats??

    Ok; I can't keep this question to myself anymore....our little Fenway has discovered the cat litter box!! And I'm just wondering how bad is it for her to have eaten those little treats? I've noticed her poop has become soft and I'm assuming it's from the litter treats because we haven't had a...
  9. jsully8

    Fenway the magician

    So I just thought I'd share my little story from tonight.... Let me set the picture. In our living room we have a gate blocking the stairs and one blocking the living room and dining room. I call it Fenway's little play pen. lol So, Fenway was in the living room; and the hubby and I were in...
  10. jsully8

    Are treats that bad....

    If there are tons of threads about this I appologize, I'm heading out the door and just had the thought pop into my head... When we are working with Fenway we give her a small treat as a reward on top of praising her with 'good girl'. My grandmother was telling me that it's really bad to use a...
  11. jsully8

    venting; neighbors dog!!! ggggrrrr!

    I'm another one who needs to vent this morning.... So, we live in a duplex and our neighbors have gotten a puppy. That's great, except they don't seem to take care of it properly. When they let the lil guy out they don't go out with him, put him on a lead, nothing!!! They just let him roam...
  12. jsully8

    nipping it in the butt.....

    I've been reading other threads on nipping and barking, and I've found them very helpful but I'm still at a loss. So here's my story...I am normally the one who is home with Fenway most of the time and so far it's been fine. She's great; learning fast and is all in all good. However lately...
  13. jsully8

    Digging holes...what to do??

    I came home today to hear that our little Fenway has learned that she has the power to dig holes!! :ah: I don't have a big problem with it, in fact I was rather proud of her. However it's a problem because we live on base and the housing people have an issue with it. Any tips, tricks, or advice...
  14. jsully8

    Non-Newf, Fenway video

    So after a nice walk Fenway discovered the big stick in our backyard. I ran and got the camera and did a short film of her playing with it; I love capturing our babies! hehe I just had to include this upclose...
  15. jsully8

    growing so fast; normal??

    So last night my husband was picking Fenway up to bring her upstairs and he noticed she's getting bigger. I noticed it a day or so ago. I went to pick her up and was like "wooh! Pretty soon this wont be possible." I'm surprised at the diference of how big she's getting within a week and a half...