Super Nervous!


New member
Tomorrow is the big day for Thor! I take him in between 8 and 9 am. I'm so nervous and feel pretty bad about what he is about to go though, but I know it's for the best. Please send some prayers and good vibes that everything goes well tomorrow. Poor guy. :( I'm taking his manhood away. :(

I've never had a dog that we neutered, so this is a bit stressful for me and well...I just feel bad! :tequila:


Active member
I'm sure he'll do just fine!! Our biggest problem with Elvis was really bad razor burn, but they sent him home with various creams and powder to put on it.

The worst part of it all was my husband's reaction - I needed him to hold Elvis' leg up so I could treat his rash and he couldn't do it! He said he was having "sympathy pain" and felt he should pour Elvis a double scotch or something.

scarlet's mom

New member
Karma wants Thor to know it wasn't a big deal..Karma said it actually makes him more attractive to the ladies!!:tequila::beer:
Wishing Thor a speedy recovery!!


New member
Thanks guys! They told me he should be done around noon (so, in about an hour) and they will call me once he is awake and moving around. He is so getting babied for the next few days.

Also, do I need to have him wear the cone collar all the time or just when he is not around me?


Super Moderator
When you are watching him extremely closely then he should be OK without the cone, but that means not taking your eyes off him for a second!!


New member
Haha ok...cone on at all times. I know the vets office will tell me, but does he need to wear the cone the whole week or just the first few days?


Super Moderator
I think at least till the sutures come out. The vet will say. If this were Owain he would have to wear a muzzle also!!


New member
Thor is home. He stuck he head out if the window on the ride hone, peed and pooped when we got home, had a drink of water, and two small cookies. He now has his cone on and we are on the rug sitting together. I'm making chicken and rice for him because I just feel so guilty.