Wish us luck!!


New member
Tomorrow, Madison and I try out for a dog therapy group based in Chicago, called the Chenny Troupe www.chennytroupe.org

Maddy passed her TDI, but it took TDI months to get back to me with the paperwork, then they had a problem about the vet's signature etc... etc...I know they are non-profit, but it just seemed too disorganized for me.

So in the meantime, I searched for another group to get involved with. This test is supposedly much more difficult than the TDI (not familiar with Delta's test). I really like the group. They are extremely organized. They only test new teams about every four months. Only 20 teams at a time can sign up to be tested, and the majority of the teams actually fail. I think that on the last test, only 4 of the 20 teams passed.

Anyway -- we will see how it goes. They had a mandatory practice session 10 days ago. My biggest problems are that Madison knows hand sign commands better than verbal commands. Technically, you are allowed to use hand sign commands on this test, but it is really kind of impossible. They want the dog to sit stay and down stay while standing right next to you, facing the same direction. It's kind of hard to give hand commands when you are not allowed to put your body in the dog's sight line. Sigh. We've been practicing, and she definitely has the sit from the verbal command only, but not the down. So guess what we will be doing tonight?

Anyway - the odds are against us passing. But we will just keep practicing and try out again the next time. Actually, several teams at the practice session had already failed 2-3 times each. So it is encouraged to keep trying.

Anyway - wish us luck!

MJ and Miss Maddy


New member
Well best of luck to you Mj and Madison. I sure hope you pass, but it is going to be exciting for you to do too. Let us know how you make out. We will be rooting for you from here.


Inactive Member
That sounds exciting! I hope you both do well!

I took my little guy, 4 mos. old Ahnzlo, into the local nursing home, last week! They fell head over heals in love with him! HA!

I'd originally taken him in so a soon to be 98 yr. old blind woman that I've known for years, could "see" him. She'd always said that her next dog would've been a Newfy! I held him on my lap, as I sat on her bed & she never took her hands off him, and he never quit staring at her, for 45 minutes!
! She never quit smiling! She told him..."You've got feet like a horse!" HA!


New member
Giddyuppy, Great story. How wonderful. It sounds like you have a natural therapy dog there...

But....we FAILED today!
Only three teams passed, and each team was on their third tryout. So, these Chenny Troupe people are very very strict.

Maddy actually performed very very very well with all her verbal commands, and with all commands, actually. They said that she passed every part of the test but one. The only thing she failed, was her heeling. She is just so laid back and calm, that she tends to mosey along behind me, instead of right next to me. But they pointed out that this would be bad in a situation where some kid with crutches gets knocked over by a 150 lb dog because she's lagging behind and I cannot really see her if I'm facing forward.

It is funny though - because all week they have been calling me and giving me "tips" on passing. They want Madison BADLY. After the test results were announced, all the administrators came running over to me saying "You are going to try again, right?? Please try again. We really need Maddy." So it was all very encouraging. And they are actually scheduling the next test for only six weeks away instead of 4 months. So we will be practicing our heeling here in Chicago until that time comes!

So my girl and I failed today, but we will dust ourselves off and try again next month



Inactive Member
Oh, I feel bad that you's didn't quite make it! I can't you's "failed", because IMO...NO dog is a failure! LOL!!! (Now, YOU may have failed her! HAhahahaha!!!) ;)

In all seriousness, I do hope you "regroup" and give it another shot!

I failed one of my dogs, YEARS ago! I told him to heel, and there were to be no verbal commands! He was a gorgeous black lab/shepherd mix. He weighed 110 lbs. in his prime. I'd enrolled us in training
and the instructor was the K-9 Corp dog trainer. I felt TERRIBLE that I'd flunked my dog!
He didn't need to be told to heel, but..."NO!" I had to blow it!

He did come in 2nd out of 32 dogs! He'd have been 1st, had it not been for ME!!!

When the judging was over, the PD kept hounding me for him! They wanted him for their own, SO BAD!!!

Needless to say..they didn't get him!