We passed


Inactive Member
This Saturday we took an exam we've been training for, and we passed with fine colours. In this exam we had the dasic obedience, traking (where Misha is very good in), and defence (nobody belived that a newfoundland could pass the defence). Well we passed and Misha has a "degree" now.
I was very proud of her, she was great, doing everything right only a little slow.

Mirjam & Misha


Inactive Member
This was a national test, that resembles to the FCI test - this one is now our next goal. It has three parts, just like the FCI test - tracking (two hundred steps and one object to point to), obedience - walking on the leash and without it, sit, down (in mouvement), come command, fetch and forward and down with disturbance, and defence - the attack on the "bad guy", drop command and walking without a leash with the "bad guy" around.

The last part was tmo most fun for Misha - she loved to play with the sleeve, that's why we could pass it.

Mirjam & Misha