Urinary tract infecitions


Inactive Member
Does anyone of you have a newf that has had a urinary tract infection? Our 3 year old girl has had it for several months now. We've spent at least $800 dollars on antibiotics and cultures. Tomorrow, we are taking in a new sample and I'm pretty sure we have'nt cleared it up.I was thinking of having her worked up for stones. Any thoughts?


Staff member
Our Cozy had chronic urinary infections. We always thought it was just the squatting in the long grass sort of problem.

Last winter we noticed blood in the snow when she peed, so we took her in for tests figuring she had another infection.

Turns out she had Bladder stones! The vet put her on a special diet for 6 weeks, and the stones disolved, saving us from surgery. YEAH!

Cozy is still on a special diet, and has never had a urinary infection since!! In fact, she used to leak urine quite a bit, and that seems to have stopped as well. We wonder if she has always had the stones and they just got worse over time. They were HUGE on the X-ray!

She's much better now. Here's proof!




Inactive Member
She is just precious. I'm glad she is feeling better. Our vet put Malia on get this....Dexatrim! It is suppose to helpe with her leaking. We will have her on it for 2 weeks. In the meantime, I've turned in another urine sample. The vet could tell that I am frustrated and just want Malia to feel better. I asked if the Dexatrim would curb her appetite as well and she said it probably won't. The poor girl is always hungry because she get's only a total of 3 cups of food a day. The bag says she can have 5 cups a day. Plus it's reduced calorie too. We feed them California Naturals.


New member
Theresa, you can bulk up her food with canned string beans, shredded carrots, or even shredded wheat. These are all lo-cal fillers.


Staff member
We used to give Cozy cranberry pills at every meal, and they did help quite a bit, but I still believe in our case she had an underlying condition.

Still I would still recommend the cranberry.



Inactive Member
I tried the green beans and other vegetables and she didn't want anything to do with it! lol! She could stand to loose some pounds. Well, her urine sample came back clean...yipeee! Because she's had this on going urinary tract infection, it irritated her lining and now she leaks. I hope these pills help with that. If not, we have to take her in 3 weeks to get a good thorough work up as to the cause. It's getting pricey but I just want her to be happy and comfortable. We are starting her on cranberry pills this weekend.


Inactive Member
Hey, guess what? The dexatrim is working for Malia's piddling! I am so happy for her. That last urine sample came back clean also. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping she doesn't have any more UTI's. We have to bring in a follow up sample in 2 weeks.