unexplained coughing


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Sara, our 10yr old, has developed a cough. The vet has been treating her but it seems to be getting worse. He says her heart sounds fine. He thought she may have an allergy of some kind, but that has proved negative. At the SCNC Water Test I talked to a Vet/Newfie owner and she said she may have a mass in her chest and she suggested we get an x-ray. Sara goes in Friday to get her chest x-ray. Has anyone with an older newf ever had unexplained coughing before? At first is was just a little cough like she was trying to clear her throat, but now she gags when she coughs. She does not cough constantly nor does it seem to be more revelant after exercising. She is eating fine and still is eager to go on her nightly walk. Any ideas???

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda