trimming nails


New member
I have read somewhere that the newfies need to be trimmed every couple weeks or that could of been any dog for that matter, I used to clip my cats nails so it isn't completely new to me but do you use the same procedure as a cat wear you press on the pad to extend the nail?
Also, how often should the ears and coat etc be trimmed?


Super Moderator
Well there are a few differences in between trimmimg dog and cat nails. The main difference is that cats retract their claws-hence why you have to press on the pad to get the nail. Dog do not do that. With a newf you will have to kind of dig through the hair to locate the nail
I use the clippers that look simular to a pair of pliers. The heavy duty ones with the orange handles. As far as frequency? It depends on what type of surface your dog walk on. Grass, carpet and "soft" floors do not wear the toe nail down so you will have to trim it more often than dogs that are on concrete or go for walks on concrete or other hard surfaces. As a general rule I trim toe nail about once a month.

Remember as the nail grows so does the vein in the nail. If the nails are very long then you can only trim off a little so you will not get the vein or quick as it is called. After you cut the nail the vein will recede and in a couple of weeks you can trim the nail even shorter until you can get the nail to the proper length. If you do get the quick and the nail starts to bleed. Don't worry your dog will not bleed to death. You can purchase quick stop to apply to the nail or you can use flour. Remember to press on the end of the nail because blood needs something to clot against.

One time I had a customer who's dog I got the nail too short. I told him if it starts to bleed again to use the flour. A few hours later he called because is dog was vomiting because of eating the flour. Seems he just stuck the dog's paw in a bowl of flour thinking it would stop the bleeding and the dog munched on the flour and got sick. Some people just don't think.

Oh I deleted your duplicate post

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda

[This message has been edited by jggrosch (edited 04-04-2002).]


Super Moderator
Oh to answer the second part of your question. Again it depends on the dog and rate of hair growth. My three newfs are all on different schedules in getting hair cuts. Sara has to be groomed every 4 weeks, Panda every 5-6 and Sam can go 6-8 weeks. Just depends on your personal preferences of how you want your newf to look.

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda


New member
That flour thing was funny, your right obviously some people don't think. I bought a pair of clippers with a guard on them so hopefully it will help with cutting too short and I also got some of the kwik stop. We have mostly wood floors here other than our familyroom and it is carpeted but all of the other rooms at least have a rug of some kind down and the upstairs is all carpet. I am hoping my newfie pup doesn't go running through the kitchen and slide into something. Thanks for the info, guess I am trying to cram for everything before he comes home tomorrow


New member
Some folks use a dremel tool to grind the nails down, although I use clippers.

Other people walk their dogs on pavement alot, which keeps the nails shorter naturally, although I keep Angus off pavement as much as possible since I believe cement is hard on a young dog's joints.

Just be sure to get solid, large clippers for trimming the nails. Ask your breeder or a grooming place. If you get cheap ones, you risk pinching the nails which causes pain for the dog!


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Blackgiant's Gentle Angus, born Nov 4, 2001