The Monks of New Skete


Inactive Member
By Chance, has anyone ever seen the book, "The Monks of New Skete: How to be your dog's best friend", 1978. ? My mother-in-law gave us this book today and said it actually had great information. It's probably one of the more peculiar books I've ever seen, much like the "Zen in the Art of Motorcycle repair" type. I only flipped through the first few pages and it looks interesting. I was wondering if anyone else had the opportunity to read this "interesting" book?
I just found a website if anyone is interested. I don't know anything about their methods but I figured I would post it for feedback.

Bri and Heather

[ 01-12-2003, 10:06 PM: Message edited by: Our_newf_tofi ]


Inactive Member
I'm into chapter 2 and it seems like a good foundational book so far. I'm hoping that some of the later chapters talk about how to teach the dog to go to "confession" when its done something wrong :) . J/K For a book as old as I am, it's pretty informative so far. I'll let you know how it turns out!


Inactive Member
Their book "The art of raising a puppy" is great! We have the book your mom gave you and this one The art of raising a puppy is a much easier read and very helpful. We started off with a personal trainer when we brought Elle home. It helped us a lot. We even have Judy Adler's puppy book, which is great for newf info. But, for plain ol' puppy training I really like the Monk's art of puppy raising!
Have fun!