Sara's cardiologist visit


Super Moderator
Recently my vet had taken X-rays of Sara's chest and diagnosed her with congestive heart failure. I decided to take her to a Canine Cardiologist in Cincinnati.
I am extremely happy to report that Sara's heart is NORMAL with no sign of heart disease.
She does have a slight murmur. Not a defect just a valve that does not close completely due to age. It is letting a very little amount of blood through and will never cause her any health problems.

I asked the cardiologist how my vet could have made such a misdiagnosis. She said this is the most common mistake that vets make. Unless a vet knows how to measure and compare the chest captivity with the size and shape of the heart, they will make a wrong diagnosis. She said you could take two Newfs and because of the shape of the chest captivity have different size and shapes of hearts.

I am very pleased that I spent the money for an expert second opinion. This can be a lesson to everyone of how important it can be to get expert advice. In the end, we found out that Sara’s coughing is most likely due to a respiratory infection. I will have the recommended test done at my vet.

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda


Staff member
Hooray for Sara and Hooray for you!

Some much needed good news.



Inactive Member
That is great news.
I am so glad you took her to see a specialist. The money doesn't really matter if it will help our furry friends.


Inactive Member
How much better off the Newfy world would be (indeed ALL animals) if all mommies and daddies cared as much as you do, Jeannie. Thank you for the cheerful update! Somebody will read it and hopefully, another life will be saved.


"To err is human.
To forgive, canine."


Inactive Member
I am SOOO happy for you both!!! WONDERFUL WONDERFUL NEWS!!

"beauty without vanity
strength without insolence
courage without ferocity
and all the virtues of man without his vices"
- Lord Byron, 1808