roughhousing with your Newf?


New member
My Triton is a 9 month old Newf and he is the best dog I have ever had but I did have a question for you that have had these big dogs. Should you roughhouse with your dog? I mean should you let them run after you when your running and playing with them? The reason why I ask is because he loves to do that but can sometimes hit against you almost knocking you over at times but what I worry about is my little niece & nephew when they are down, she is only 3 and when she gets running around he darts right for her thinking she wants to play and I am afraid one of these times he will knock her over not realizing his size. So, should we not play with him like that in order to teach him to be gentle around the little kids? Thanks for any help that you can give me. I just found this sight so I am sure I will have many more questions for you all. Thanks!!!Rhonda


New member
Disclaimer first: I'm only going by my experience, I don't have near the knowledge others on this board do.
Bubba will roughhouse with Joe and I. Not as much me, but has come running and knocked me over. He will not do the same with kids. I've watched him chase my teenage step-daughters, and he'll run right by or behind, but never even attempt to come in contact with them. I've seen him with toddlers who come running up to him, and he stands firm, actually letting them bounce off him, but won't even chase them. He seems to know the difference. I don't know if this is a Newf trait, or we're just lucky. ;)
As for roughhousing, I've heard here and other places to watch how roughly they are played with due to their weight on their growing joints. We don't want to encourage joint problems.
I'm sure the others here will be able to give you much more insight.


New member
Thank you so much for your reply, we really do try and watch the rough house, like I said in my post I am just really worried that he will knock over one of the little ones because he darts after them like a flash and I have to hurry and get him because he looks like he is going to hit them, I tell him him but he is so excited and when he sees anyone take off running that is a sigh for him "come on lets play!" thanks again for your imput!! It is greatly appreciated!!


New member
I ditto what Julie said, my Jake is 7 1/2 months old and he is already a horse LOL, I don't roughhouse with him because he is too strong for me but my neighbor across the street loves to rough house with him and sometimes he pays for it also. Jake seems to also realize kids need to be treated differently, the only time he does any chasing is if they are screaming and playing and get him all riled up then I intervene to calm him back down. But I know Jake is still a puppy so I do keep a eye on him around the kids just to make sure.



New member
Thank you also for the reply, I can see this board is going to be alot of help for me and my new baby :)


Super Moderator
Samantha loves to play "roughhouse" mainly with my husband. She does some with me but not to the extent that she does Gary. One thing we always do that has not been mentioned--when playing rough we (humans) ALWAYS win in the end. Samantha has a dominence issue so we have to keep in line who is boss. When we play tug, Sam can pull and pull but when I tell her "out" she KNOWS to let go.

Unlike your newfs Sam does not play safer with children. She is just rough and tumbling all the time. I have to really watch her close when the grand kids come over.


New member
Brady roughhouses with my husband, he seems to know I am the dud. We were camping last week and it was so funny to watch them running through the trees, they had the same "newfie look" with their tongues hanging out!!! :D