Protect our rights


New member
I am not a member of this organization. I do believe we need to be aware that our right are being taken away in herbal and nutritional areas. I've used their words because it better explains:

We need your help to put the brakes on a bad bill in the U.S. House of Representatives. H.R. 3156, otherwise known as the Dietary Supplement Access and Awareness Act, would give the FDA authority to ban virtually any herb or specialty product from the market if it failed to pass an arbitrary risk/benefit analysis.

Organic food standards are facing their largest challenge since the USDA's 1997 proposal to allow toxic sludge, genetically engineered organisms and irradiation on oragnic farms. Under pressure from large food processors, the Senate plans to attach a rider to the 2006 Agriculture Appropriations Bill that could significantly compromise the organic label. Take action today to keep organic standards strong.

[ 09-21-2005, 07:25 PM: Message edited by: RobandRobin ]