No more politics or religion please


Staff member
I am changing the rules to disallow political or religion-based threads.

While the recent thread on religion wasn't all that bad, you all don't see what we see behind the scenes.

Often what appears to be a mild post in these threads results in a storm of PMs between members and to the mods. Feelings get hurt, people end up leaving and the mods get the brunt of it. Eventually threads get locked, people get warned and in the end no one has changed their minds.

Every forum that I've ever belong to, with the exception of politically specific ones, outlaws political and religious topics for just these reasons. This is also not a sudden decision. We've talked about banning these topics since we first opened the basement many years ago.

Before I get asked,

You can still ask for prayers.
You can still say things like "Thank the Lord"
You can still keep bible, (or Qur'an or Torah or whatever) quotes in your sig provided they don't break any other rules

The goal of this rule is to lessen the work and stress for the mods. Nothing more.

Thanks for understanding. I'll update the rules document soon.



New member
Thank you for the update, I think that this will make for much more pleasant conversation on the forum! I for one, appreciate the change!


New member
Yup..understand the reasons..and can raise all the ned I want..simply by going the PM route..and have had my totally 'off NN route' as the subteranian (sp?) for a long time cover my rumpus. ina n HB n Kesa ps. My mom had a term..milque toast..and I cannot become one..but I can assume the clothing..for protective purposes..oh yeah. ;)


New member
You know what they say about politics and religion.. Can tear the best families apart.. and we would never want that happening to our NN family...:hugs:


New member
As someone from Northern Ireland I am tired of the problems caused by politics and religion- that's why I love dogs- they don't care about either!
Seriously though both are very personal and there are plenty of other websites to discuss our feelings on these.


New member
sure works for us.we just love the conversations about the dogs , the pics, and fun and happy stuff.. and to give support when needed. and cant forget info sometimes...........OK ya all dont beat me with a branch believe take everyone for who they are.........with 1 thing in common the love of our precious Luvs


New member
being one of the best ruccus raisers, I can't say I won't miss the fun.....but thanks for letting us carry on, and I totally understand..The poor mods don't need more grief..!


New member
Like my mother always said you can't discuss politics and religion without some getting upset.
I think your decision is a wise one.


Active member
Its probably for the best. I am on a Volvo car board in particular that has an off topic forum that gets pretty wild. Seems like we have 3 or 4 threads locked every 2 or 3 days. Talk about some NASTY, Personal attacks.


New member
You can still ask for prayers.
You can still say things like "Thank the Lord"
You can still keep bible, (or Qur'an or Torah or whatever) quotes in your sig provided they don't break any other rules
Ok BUT.............
never mind......