NN GTG in Ocean City ... details about Raffles, Food, etc.


New member
OK...this is what we'll be planning over the next weeks to culminate at the GTG on October 28-30 in Ocean City Maryland.


Anyone coming to the GTG, please bring an item/items to be raffled off. We will combine smaller items into "baskets" and raffle larger items off separately. Ticket prices still to be determined. Photos will be forthcoming as soon as we start getting them from the donators.

All contributions for the raffle are welcome, whether you can attend or not. If you wish to donate something but can't attend, please PM me and I'll give you my mailing address. They can be mailed to me, and I'll take them to the event. I only live about 40 minutes away.

Smaller, lighter weight items will be shipped to the winners FREE OF CHARGE. HOWEVER, if we get any large or heavy donations, winner will need to make arrangements with one of the attendees to get it to them, or pay shipping charges.

Remember...proceeds go to Newf rescue!

Laurel (Boundless Newf) and I will be in charge of the raffle. Please contact either of us with questions. More information will be posted within the next few weeks.

Tickets CAN be purchased by those not attending as well. I'll be setting up a PayPal account for those of you who prefer to purchase your tickets that way. Otherwise you can send us a check and we'll make sure your tickets are put into the drawing.

I'll notify everyone when the ticket prices are set, and when they're available for purchase. A Photo Thread of some of the raffle items will go up when tickets are ready to be sold. (It wont include all items because many people bring the items to the GTG with them, and tend to pick up things as they see them. But the large items will be pictured/described).

I hope to have that page up by mid-September. Which should give everyone plenty of time to decide what to donate!


Everyone brings their own snacks, drinks. Alcohol IS permitted. :) And we do share, but make sure you at least bring enough for YOU. haha

There will be TWO separate dinners this year. One on Friday, one on Saturday. These will be "covered dish" dinners. Everyone brings something for the "buffet". There is no charge for the dinners.

We will separate those who bring a dish for Friday and who brings one for Saturday and what's needed (like desserts, side dishes, main dishes, bread, etc).

That way each family only brings ONE dish or item for the group. We're thinking that after Friday evening we'll have leftovers, so we can put those out during the day on Saturday to nibble on, OR add them to the table on Saturday evening.

Remember the units have full kitchens with ovens, microwaves, toasters, refrigerators, etc. So you can put something together there if you wish.

The "food committee" will be run by Donna H (drulzelot). She'll contact everyone closer to GTG time to make sure that all food groups are covered. :lol: Some will want to bring desserts, some main dishes, some side dishes, some snacks...so Donna will be the one to coordinate all of that.


Donna (drulzelot) and Sue (Suse)will be running a breakfast for Saturday (and leftovers on Sunday) morning as well.

The cost of breakfast will be nominal, and I'll leave that up to Donna and Sue. The cost will only be whatever they need to offset what they've paid.


There will be THREE different artists providing logo choices for the Tshirts, cups, and other merchandise for the store. I'll let everyone know when the store is open to purchase the items. The income from the store will be donated as well.


There is already a page up for the GTG on FB. If you're not already a member, yet would like to follow the goings on on FB, let me know and I'll add you to the group!
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New member
Suse, PM me at my gmail addy: drulzelot@gmail.com so we can make plans.

The potluck menu will be organized in September, so if you have specialties, start thinking of them! If you specialize in Gluten free, Dairy free, or nut free, let me know (and if you have any food allergies or intolences, let me know!).


New member
Pet bowl mat by Jenn, painting by Nancy....I'm going to be spending LOTs of money!!!! Awesome prizes for sure :)

Sent you a message, drulzelot!


New member
And don't forget Jeff's beautiful hand made wooden pieces. I'm not sure what he's planning for this year, but I hope he's making something for us to raffle off again!

This is what he made for us last year. Lucky Mike Serafin (Newfy) won it!

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New member
Tickets, tickets, tickets! Can't wait to buy tickets!
I'm sure I have your addy around here somewhere Donna...I will send a few decals for you to add to baskets.


New member
Thanks Becky! Everyone LOVES the decals!!! I need a couple more too. :lol:

Tickets will go on sale once we have a list (and some photos/descriptions) of what's being donated. I'm planning on ticket sales going on sale sometime in September.
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