Newf nibbling


Inactive Member
I've noticed that sometimes when Rory is happy and I am patting her or brushing/combing her, she will nibble along my shoulder or up and down my arm like a cob of corn.

Teeny tiny gentle little bites that tickle rather than hurt, with her front teeth. It's so cute!

I think of them as love bites.

Do any of the other Newfies do this or is it just my weird one?


Inactive Member
Ozzy does that, too! Maybe it is a puppy thing... Ozzy is 5.5 months now. How old is Rory?

How is the training going?

Sara and Ozzy


Inactive Member
Spangksb, Rory is 20 weeks old this Wednesday. Not much younger than Ozzy!

Training is going so-so. We are taking her to obedience lessons and when she's there, she's such an angel and learns really fast. But when we get home, we still have problems with mouthing / biting. While her nibbling is gorgeous and doesn't hurt, her mouthing and sometimes more serious biting does. But she's getting better.